How Did I Get Here?
Great question!
How you ended up on this site is not as important as the reason you are reading this right now.
Perhaps you could treat yourself to some fancy new threads or a fabulous sticker? Does your furry best friend need a new shirt? (Not THAT friend. I meant your dog!) Ooh, I think I see a tail wagging. (Again, the dog's tail.) Maybe you'll snag some waterproof labels to slap on to containers. One for soap and one for the jar of tears you cried every time you accidentally stepped on a single hair of Rufus' paw. Whichever direction you find yourself on here, don't forget to buy those little bags to pick up your best friend's poo. (You know who I'm talking about.)
In all seriousness...we wanted to turn random thoughts into real designs, so why not share the ideas on some cotton-poly with you all? To sprinkle some fun facts, we are veteran, and woman owned. We look forward to mashing a hot transfer into material and frantically shipping it off to your home soon!